Holiday Helpers Program

Holiday Helpers Warehouse is coming to town… The holidays are celebrated in a multitude of ways, but some families in our Contra Costa...

West Contra Costa Food Pantry

Programs Bio-Rad Laboratories and the non-profit organization VESTIA (Volunteer & Emergency Services Team in Action) have teamed up to help fight hunger in West Contra Costa County! Your donation will allow the purchase of food for the food pantry located in the Hercules office of the Contra Costa County Employment and Human Services Department. This

General Assistance (GAVE)

Programs The General Assistance (GA) / VESTIA (GAVE) has been created to assist GA clients with immediate and emergency needs, in situations where there are no other resources available. The GAVE fund fills in gaps for GA clients when there is no other resource to pay for a specific need. This may include a housing

Angel Tree Program

It is estimated that roughly 1,800 children are in the foster care system in Contra Costa County. The holidays can be particularly rough on children displaced from their homes