Holiday Helpers Program

Holiday Helpers Warehouse is coming to town… The holidays are celebrated in a multitude of ways, but some families in our Contra Costa...

Homeless Resource Closet

Helping to provide basic needs, our community closet offers clients of Employment & Human Services Department new and gently-used clothing at no cost to them.

Foster Youth Scholarships

VESTIA is proud to offer numerous scholarships each year totaling $15,000-$20,000 to foster youth. We are committed to supporting Contra Costa foster youths striving toward

Summer Programs

VESTIA refers hundreds of at-risk children to camp each year through the popular Kids 2 Camp Program. Providing week-long...

Book Program

Literacy is Alive & Well in Contra Costa County!! VESTIA has provided books throughout the social service network in Contra Costa County

Angel Tree Program

It is estimated that roughly 1,800 children are in the foster care system in Contra Costa County. The holidays can be particularly rough on children displaced from their homes

Project Ready-to-Learn

Our 2018 Stuff-a-Backpack drive was a huge success! Thanks to our wonderful donors we distributed nearly 1,670 backpacks...

Emergency Food Programs

“No one should go hungry…” Food insecurity is real. More than 10% of the population in Contra Costa County is below the Federal Poverty Level.